The Plaistow Village Trust is a registered charity with the following objectives:
To conserve the beauty, character and viability of the village of Plaistow in West Sussex;
To study, record and provide information on the history of the village;
To promote high standards of planning and architecture in the area;
To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic public interest in the area,
for the benefit of the community.
We are entirely separate from the Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council, with a remit focused on the villages of Plaistow, Durfold Wood and Shillinglee, as distinct from Ifold.
Recent Activity
Monitoring and liaising in 2022 with the Plaistow community in respect of two potentially large property developments at Foxbridge and Crouchlands which we believe will significantly impact the environment and quality of life in Plaistow in a negative way.
The renewal of the Plaistow Conservation Area (current).
Consulting with and providing a voice for the villages we represent, in the early stages of the Neighbourhood Plan before withdrawing our support when it became clear the draft plan was heading in a direction that was not in the best interests of the Trust’s members.
Assisting in raising funds as a charity to support P.O.R.E successfully challenge the development and operation of an illegal biogas plant situated at Crouchlands Farm.
About the Plaistow Village Trust
The Plaistow Village Trust was founded in 1998, became a company limited by guarantee and then a registered charity on 27th February 2007. It is non-political and non-profit making.
Membership is open to all residents in all households in Plaistow, Durfold Wood and Shillinglee. Active participation by all is encouraged.
The Trustees are also directors and are resident in Plaistow. They are elected by the Trust’s Membership at the Annual General Meeting, usually held early Summer and retire by rotation.
The Trust is responsible for the Plaistow Village Conservation Area. It also works closely with the Parish Council, nearby villages and interested parties, and has fought and commented on planning appeals, the West Sussex Structural Plan, the proposals for the development of the Dunsfold Aerodrome and more recently monitored progress of the Local Development Framework being adopted by Chichester District Council.